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SWAYAM – India's initiative for democratizing education
The growth of online learning industry at a rate of 25%…
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Visualising the effectiveness of India's COVID-19 lock down
While there has been broad speculation about the benefits…
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COVID-19: The Force Majeure clause and its impact on contracts
The global COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted all industries…
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Indian Prime Minster Narendra Modi addresses nation, extends lockdown…
The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a 21-…
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Ministry of Home Affairs issues notification reiterating strict…
The 21-day lockdown was announced in India by the Prime…
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Tirupur: At the vanguard of the battle against COVID-19
Masks and other PPE guard health and sanitary workers on…
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COVID-19 Open Innovation Challenge by NIT Srinagar, Jammu &…
The entire Indian ecosystem is combatting the COVID-19…
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Promoting employee well-being during COVID-19 lockdown
The world is currently in the midst of an unprecedented…
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