The Waste to Wealth Mission is working with East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) to deploy 9 innovations in the Su-Dhara integrated waste technology park in Jafrabad. The park, situated next to the highly polluted 52 Cusec Drain, will feature an end-to-end combination of decentralized technologies by national and international firms to clean the drain, treat waste water and reduce fresh solid waste inflow in the drain. The floating waste will be mechanically removed from the drain and fresh waste will be auto-segregated. These wastes will then be processed by high-temperature gasification and pyrolysis plants to generate energy and value-added products. A series of 5 wastewater treatment technologies will recycle water from the drain for reuse in non-potable applications on site. Joint teams from IIT Delhi and Waste to Wealth Mission will monitor the performance of these technologies and environmental parameters on site. This technology park, expected to come online by 15th May 2021, will serve as an exemplar for several such sites nationwide and is already attracting interest from Swachh Bharat Teams from several states.