AGNIi has partnered with Common Service Centre (CSC) to host a series of Digital Technology Showcases that serve as rural launch points for innovation in 800 targeted digital villages. Recently, the showcases expanded into the north-eastern regions of Nagaland and Meghalaya. These latest showcases focused on technologies concerning climate change mitigation.
The consequences of the greenhouse effect and climate change are often felt most severely by underprivileged, underserved and remote communities. Without the technological solutions to adapt to or mitigate the impact climate change is having on a global scale, these communities could be at a severe disadvantage in adapting, should significant changes in their surrounding climate occur.
The technologies presented at the Digital Technologies Showcase were specifically geared towards addressing these concerns of adapting to or minimizing the acceleration of climate change within these communities. These included:
- Skymet, a weather forecaster that runs numeric weather prediction models that are capable of creating days, weeks, months ahead, seasonal and long-term forecasts.
- A Mountain Solar Water Heater which saved an average of 40% fuel wood and dung in mountain households leading to mitigation of carbon emission, indoor pollution, women drudgery with livelihood opportunities to local artisans.
- Meghdoot, a cutting-edge technology to convert atmospheric moisture into clean drinking water.
- Renkube Pvt Ltd, which offers alternate solar panel material – specialised glass with unique geometric patterns, improving sunlight capturing efficiency.
AGNIi and CSC remain committed to showcasing technologies to the digital villages and gauging interest from Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) who can support and engage with India’s brightest innovators. The Digital Technology Showcases will continue to focus on the most pertinent use cases of the communities in rural India.