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With the increasingly apparent environmental ramifications for using dominant energy resources such as fossil fuels, innovations in CleanTech are the need of the hour. Businesses and governments are recognising the need to adopt alternative energy sources that have reduced carbon emissions and cause less environmental pollution.

Advancing clean energy

In the interest of furthering CleanTech innovations, AGNIi Mission partnered with Novartis for a technology scouting exercise concerning the Novartis Business Services (NBX) group. Novartis wanted to seek out innovations that would help them reach their goal of carbon neutrality in their business operations.

Over the course of 3 months, a pool of 15 innovations was showcased for consideration by the Novartis team. Eventually, 2 of these technologies were shortlisted for further review, and they will be providing Proof of Concept (PoC) demonstrations to the Novartis team for potential adoption.

AGNIi remains committed to supporting advances in the CleanTech sector, given that clean energy is one of the most pressing demands in the current global scenario.