The scheme aims at the growth of MSEs by addressing advancements in sustainable & green manufacturing technology, market access, skills & quality, etc.
Creating infrastructural facilities in existing Clusters of MSEs and Industrial Areas.
Setting up Common Facility Centres (for testing, training, raw material depot, effluent treatment, complementing production processes, etc).
Creating Common Facility Centers including in Plug & Play Facilities.
Support for Flatted Factory Complexes and Infrastructure Development Projects.
Existing Entrepreneurs (in form of a SPV)
Common Facility Centers: Construction of “tangible assets” such as Processing Centre, Testing Facilities, Design Centers, including Plug & Play Facilities. GoI Assistance: up to 80% of the Project cost of maximum INR 30 crores.
Infrastructure Development: Development of drainage, power distribution, roads etc. in existing / new industrial estates / areas / Flatted Factory Complex. GoI Assistance: up to 70% of the Project cost of maximum INR 15 crores.