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    More than 81.39 Crore vaccine doses provided to States/UTs

    More than 81.39 Crore vaccine doses provided to States/UTs

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    India’s Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage crosses the landmark of 83 Cr

    India’s Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage crosses the landmark of 83 Cr

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    More than 80.67Crore vaccine doses provided to States/UTs

    More than 80.67Crore vaccine doses provided to States/UTs

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    More than 80.13 Crore vaccine doses provided to States/UTs

    More than 80.13 Crore vaccine doses were provided to States/UTs

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    India’s Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage exceeds 82.65 Cr

    India’s Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage exceeds 82.65 Cr

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    India’s Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage exceeds 81.85 Cr

    India’s Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage exceeds 81.85 Cr

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    Goa’s vaccine wastage prevention model will help other parts of the country:

    Goa’s vaccine wastage prevention model will help other parts of the country:

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    India’s Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage exceeds 80.85 Cr

    India’s Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage exceeds 80.85 Cr

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    Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Availability in States/UTs

    Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Availability in States/UTs

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    Cabinet Secretary chairs High Level meet with States/UTs on Public Health Respon…

    Cabinet Secretary chairs High Level meet with States/UTs on Public Health Response to COVID-19…

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    More than 77.77Crore vaccine doses provided to States/UTs

    More than 77.77Crore vaccine doses provided to States/UTs

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    India’s Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage exceeds 77.24Cr

    India’s Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage exceeds 77.24Cr

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    India willing to collaborate with East Asian partners in the production of gener…

    India willing to collaborate with East Asian partners in the production of generic drugs and…

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    Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Availability in States/UTs

    Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Availability in States/UTs

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    Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Availability in States/UTs

    Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Availability in States/UTs